Language Periphery
Monocollocable words in English, Italian, German and Czech
A full-length study of monocollocable words, i.e. words whose usage is severely restricted to one or a few combinations only (such as English ado in without much/further ado), that brings together corpus-based data from the four languages along with studies analysing, along both general and language-specific lines, monocollocable words in terms of their frequency, lexical as well as morphosyntactic behaviour, and various facets of their peripheral status. Each of the four langauges covered, namely, English, Italian, German and Czech also offers a short introduction of the respective languages written in English, Italian, German and Czech. A rare contribution to our knowledge of an as yet little studied field, the book will attract the attention of, and stimulate a new interest in, all who are ready to acknowledge that collocation is a core phenomenon of language – lexicologists, lexicographers with a focus on phraseology, language typologists, linguists with a contrastive and historical agenda, and language teachers alike.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 74] 2016. vi, 108 pp. + index
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 February 2016
Published online on 22 February 2016
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
General introduction
IntroductionFrantišek Čermák, Jan Čermák, Zora Obstová and Marie Vachková | pp. 1–2
Monocollocable words as a periphery of language combinationsFrantišek Čermák | pp. 3–9
Language-specific introductions
Monokolokabilní slova v češtině jako periférie jazykaFrantišek Čermák | pp. 11–15
Parole monocollocabili alla luce dei corporaZora Obstová | pp. 17–22
Monokollokabilität aus korpuslinguistischer SichtMarie Vachková | pp. 23–29
Monocollocable words in EnglishJan Čermák | pp. 31–36
Frequency dictionaries
A frequency dictionary of Czech monocollocable words: [Český frekvenční slovník monokolokabilních slov]František Čermák | pp. 37–53
A frequency dictionary of Italian monocollocable words: [Dizionario di frequenza di parole monocollocabili in italiano]Zora Obstová | pp. 55–64
A frequency dictionary of German monocollocable words: [Frequenzverzeichnis der monokollokabilen Wörter im Deutschen]Marie Vachková | pp. 65–68
A frequency dictionary of English monocollocable wordsJan Čermák | pp. 69–72
Alphabetical dictionaries
An alphabetical dictionary of Czech monocollocable words: [Český abecední slovník monokolokabilních slov]František Čermák | pp. 73–87
An alphabetical dictionary of Italian monocollocable words: [Dizionario alfabetico di parole monocollocabili in italiano]Zora Obstová | pp. 89–97
An alphabetical dictionary of German monocollocable words: [Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der monokollokabilen Wörter im Deutschen]Marie Vachková | pp. 89–92
An alphabetical dictionary of English monocollocable wordsJan Čermák | pp. 103–106
References | pp. 107–108
Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Čermák, František
2020. Monocollocable words. In Computational Phraseology [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 24], ► pp. 9 ff. 
Cloutier, Robert, Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, Radosław Święciński, Gea Dreschler, Sune Gregersen, Beáta Gyuris, Kathryn Allan, Maggie Scott, Lieselotte Anderwald, Alexander Kautzsch, Sven Leuckert, Tihana Kraš, Alessia Cogo, Tian Gan, Ida Parise & Jessica Norledge
Kopřivová, Marie
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Terminology & Lexicography
Main BIC Subject
CFM: Lexicography
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General