Parallel Corpora for Contrastive and Translation Studies
New resources and applications
This volume assesses the state of the art of parallel corpus research as a whole, reporting on advances in both recent developments of parallel corpora – with some particular references to comparable corpora as well– and in ways of exploiting them for a variety of purposes. The first part of the book is devoted to new roles that parallel corpora can and should assume in translation studies and in contrastive linguistics, to the usefulness and usability of parallel corpora, and to advances in parallel corpus alignment, annotation and retrieval. There follows an up-to-date presentation of a number of parallel corpus projects currently being carried out in Europe, some of them multimodal, with certain chapters illustrating case studies developed on the basis of the corpora at hand. In most of these chapters, attention is paid to specific technical issues of corpus building. The third part of the book reflects on specific applications and on the creation of bilingual resources from parallel corpora. This volume will be welcomed by scholars, postgraduate and PhD students in the fields of contrastive linguistics, translation studies, lexicography, language teaching and learning, machine translation, and natural language processing.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 90] 2019. ix, 301 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 March 2019
Published online on 22 March 2019
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | pp. ix–9
Parallel corpora in focus: An account of current achievements and challengesIrene Doval and M. Teresa Sánchez Nieto | pp. 1–15
Part I. Parallel corpora: Background and processing
Comparable parallel corpora: A critical review of current practices in corpus-based translation studiesLidun Hareide | pp. 19–38
Living with parallel corpora: The potentials and limitations of their use in translation researchJosep Marco | pp. 39–56
Working with parallel corpora: Usefulness and usabilityRosa Rabadán | pp. 57–78
Innovations in parallel corpus alignment and retrievalMartin Volk | pp. 79–90
Part II. Parallel corpora: Creation, annotation and access
InterCorp: A parallel corpus of 40 languagesPetr Čermák | pp. 93–101
Corpus PaGeS: A multifunctional resource for language learning, translation and cross-linguistic researchIrene Doval, Santiago Fernández Lanza, Tomás Jiménez Juliá, Elsa Liste Lamas and Barbara Lübke | pp. 103–121
Building EPTIC: A many-sided, multi-purpose corpus of EU parliament proceedingsAdriano Ferraresi and Silvia Bernardini | pp. 123–139
Enriching parallel corpora with multimedia and lexical semantics: From the CLUVI Corpus to WordNet and SemCorXavier Gómez Guinovart | pp. 141–158
Discourse annotation in the MULTINOT corpus: Issues and challengesJulia Lavid López | pp. 159–182
PEST: A parallel electronic corpus of state treatiesMikhail Mikhailov, Miia Santalahti and Julia Souma | pp. 183–195
Indexation and analysis of a parallel corpus using CQPweb: The COVALT PAR_ES Corpus (EN/FR/DE > ES)Teresa Molés-Cases and Ulrike Oster | pp. 197–214
P-ACTRES 2.0: A parallel corpus for cross-linguistic researchHugo Sanjurjo-González and Marlén Izquierdo | pp. 215–231
An overview of Basque corpora and the extraction of certain multi-word expressions from a translational corpusZuriñe Sanz-Villar | pp. 233–247
Part III. Parallel corpora: Tools and applications
Strategies for building high quality bilingual lexicons from comparable corporaPablo Gamallo | pp. 251–265
Discovering bilingual collocations in parallel corpora: A first attempt at using distributional semanticsMarcos Garcia, Marcos García-Salido and Margarita Alonso-Ramos | pp. 267–279
Normalization of shorthand forms in French text messages using word embedding and machine translationParijat Ghoshal and Xi Rao | pp. 281–298
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Izquierdo, Marlén & Zuriñe Sanz-Villar
2023. Cross-linguistic research and corpora. In Corpus Use in Cross-linguistic Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 113], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Krasselt, Julia
2023. Review of Lavid-López, Maíz-Arévalo & Zamorano-Mansilla (2021): Corpora in Translation and Contrastive Research in the Digital Age: Recent Advances and Explorations. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 35:2 ► pp. 312 ff. 
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Translation & Interpreting Studies
Main BIC Subject
CFX: Computational linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General