This paper examines the potential large diachronic corpora hold for
the study of social change. Resources such as COHA or Google Books
allow us to detect shifts in the frequencies of linguistic elements, which can then be
interpreted as reflections of developments in society. This paper addresses the
practicalities of this question in two parts. The theoretical part surveys a series of
problems that need to be controlled for in analyses of diachronic textual data. The
second part implements these ideas in a study of the English
make-causative over the past 150 years. Examining the variables of
animacy and verb semantics, the study explores whether the diminishing social value of
interpersonal authority is reflected in changing patterns of language use.
Article outline
2.Five pitfalls in the analysis of diachronic corpus data
2.1Corpus frequencies (semasiological frequencies) are not always equivalent to
frequencies of entities and events in the real world (onomasiological
2.2Corpus frequencies of polysemous words need to be broken down into sense-specific
and construction-specific frequencies
2.3Correlations in large datasets may be spurious
2.4Comparisons of frequency trends in diachronic corpora require adequate
statistical treatment
2.5It is not always easy to disentangle social change and linguistic change
3.Giving in to temptation: A case study of the English make-causative
3.1The English make-causative construction
3.2Corpus data and descriptive statistics
3.3Using distributional semantics to study the development of the
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