Chapter 7
Bilingualism in development
The good, the bad and the unknown
The body of work that is the subject of this
chapter is on the bilingual cognitive advantage in very young
children and on the structure of the early bilingual lexicon. As a
result of work initiated by Ellen Bialystok, we now know that even
preverbal infants show better attentional control than monolingual
infants. We also know that the organization of the early bilingual
lexicon shows striking similarities but also notable differences to
that of adults. The chapter concludes with a prospective outlook of
what is still unknown about early bilingualism, including how
proficiency and language use impact bilinguals’ cognitive skills in
addition to language exposure. The significant progress that has
been made in understanding the young bilingual mind is a fitting
tribute to Ellen Bialystok.
Article outline
- The cognitive benefits of early bilingualism: When?
- The cognitive benefits of early bilingualism: How?
- The cognitive costs of early bilingualism
- Vocabulary size and lexical retrieval
- Cross-language priming
- Prospective outlook
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