Metalinguistic discourse and dialect performance
Perception and negotiation of Ecuadorian Andean identity expressed through dar + gerund on
This investigation examines how dialect identity and linguistic ideologies are negotiated and performed through
dar +gerund, a northern Andean Spanish construction used to express an attenuated request or favor.
Specifically, positive, neutral, and negative sentiments expressed through metalinguistic commentary are analyzed from a corpus of
450 tweets collected on Twitter between 2008- May 2019. This analysis shows how a higher degree of emotional intensity in negative
sentiments signals linguistic and cultural discrimination towards this Kichwa-contact induced construction. On the other end,
positive sentiments celebrate and defend this feature as an intrinsic part of the Andean Ecuadorian dialect and identity. This
negotiation of the linguistic and cultural significance of dar +gerund serves to destabilize dominant negative
perceptions and renegotiate the meaning of this NAS feature.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Twitter and social media: Tweets as a performative language practice
- 3.Description and perception of dar + gerund as a Kichwa-contact phenomenon in formal and informal sources
- 4.Methods
- 5.Data
- 5.1Neutral tweets: Locating and affirming uses of dar +gerund
- 5.2Positive sentiments: Admiration, pride, and ownership
- 5.3Negative sentiments: Incorrect, ugly and othering
- 6.Conclusions
- Notes
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Guerra, Kathleen S.
Context-specific use and ideology: perception of appropriate domains for dar + gerund.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 16:2
► pp. 447 ff.

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