Tonal morphology in Sama Nubri
Case marking and transitivity alternations
This paper reports on the Tibeto-Burman language, Nubri, of the high Himalayan region of northern central Nepal. Specifically,
data is presented to illustrate the use of tone to mark two morphological features in the language: the use of a H tone suffix to mark the
genitive case, and the use of a H tone prefix to mark an increase in transitivity. This is the first account of these phenomena in Nubri and
an analysis is presented before contextualizing the phenomena in a typological perspective.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Tone in Nubri
- 3.Tonal case in Nubri
- 4.Tonally marked transitivity alternations in Nubri
- 5.Typological distribution of grammatical tone
- 6.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Abbreviations