The article reports an oral corpus-based study of epicene pronominal constructions (i.e., pronouns coreferent with singular antecedents and referring to referents of indeterminate sex) in English. They is used in 60% of the tokens, he in 25%, and other forms were used minimally. That variation corresponds to three semantic factors: perceived sex stereotypes associated with the referent, notional number, and, surprisingly, degree of individuation. These findings support accounts of the importance of agreement as a discourse-level phenomenon (e.g. Barlow's Discourse-Linking Theory), and of pronouns as elements whose informational content goes beyond mere denotation.
2019. Language change in L2 academic writing: The case of epicene pronouns. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 38 ► pp. 95 ff.
Stormbom, Charlotte
2020. Gendering in open access research articles: The role of epicene pronouns. English for Specific Purposes 60 ► pp. 193 ff.
Stormbom, Charlotte
2022. Singular they in English as a foreign language. Applied Linguistics Review 13:5 ► pp. 873 ff.
Chevalier, Yannick, Hugues Constantin de Chanay & Laure Gardelle
2017. Bases linguistiques de l’émancipation : système anglais, système français. Mots :113 ► pp. 9 ff.
De Vos, Lien & Gunther De Vogelaer
2011. Dutch gender and the locus of morphological regularization. Folia Linguistica 45:2
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