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Meaning in the History of English: Words and texts in context
Edited by Andreas H. Jucker, Daniela Landert, Annina Seiler and Nicole Studer-Joho
[Studies in Language Companion Series 148] 2013
► pp. 319342
Cited by (4)

Cited by four other publications

Varga, Mónika
2024. (Un)certainty, Suspicion, and Some “Horrifying Sickness:” On Pragmatic (or Stance) Markers in Hungarian Witchcraft Records. In Cultural Linguistics and (Re)conceptualized Tradition [Cultural Linguistics, ],  pp. 429 ff. DOI logo
2023. Epistemic space and key concepts in early and late modern medical discourse: an exploration of two genres. English Language and Linguistics 27:2  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Walker, Terry & Peter J. Grund
2017. “Speaking base approbious words”. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 18:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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