Chapter 4
Finite causative complements in Middle English
This paper examines the use of causative verbs with two kinds of finite complements in Middle English (ME): a simple finite clause (V+that) and one involving both a finite clause and a separate NP (V+NP+that). I attempt to determine in which contexts these structures appear, and to what extent they are related. I suggest that V+that is probably a survivor from Old English and V+NP+that a later innovation. I also examine the factors likely to have contributed to the persistence of V+that in ME, and to the emergence of V+NP+that, such as language contact and the influence of other existing Middle English constructions which may have played a role in the spread of V+NP+that.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The frequency of finite causative complements
- 3.Finite causative complements in OE
- 3.1“First” and “second” causatives
- 3.2V+NP+þæt in OE
- 4.Finite causative complements in ME
- 4.1V+that in ME
- 4.2Survival of V+that
- 4.3V+NP+that
- 4.3.1Distribution of V+NP+that
- 4.3.2V+NP+that and the evolution of causative make
- 4.3.3CLAN sentences
- 4.3.4A comparison with perception verbs
- 4.3.5Links to other causative constructions in ME
- 4.3.6Possible external factors encouraging the development of V+NP+that
- 4.3.7Summary
- 5.Conclusion
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Cited by one other publication
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A multivariate analysis of causativedoand causativemakein Middle English.
Linguistics Vanguard 8:1
► pp. 165 ff.

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