Article published In:
Sign Language & Linguistics
Vol. 11:1 (2008) ► pp.4567
Cited by (65)

Cited by 65 other publications

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Ortega, Gerardo & Gary Morgan
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2015. Tools for Language: Patterned Iconicity in Sign Language Nouns and Verbs. Topics in Cognitive Science 7:1  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Perniss, Pamela
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Quinto-Pozos, David & Robert Adam
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Kastner, Itamar, Irit Meir, Wendy Sandler & Svetlana Dachkovsky
2014. The emergence of embedded structure: insights from Kafr Qasem Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology 5 DOI logo
2013. The phonology of focus in Sign Language of the Netherlands. Journal of Linguistics 49:3  pp. 515 ff. DOI logo
Padden, Carol A., Irit Meir, So-One Hwang, Ryan Lepic, Sharon Seegers & Tory Sampson
2013. Patterned iconicity in sign language lexicons. Gesture 13:3  pp. 287 ff. DOI logo
Padden, Carol A., Irit Meir, So-One Hwang, Ryan Lepic, Sharon Seegers & Tory Sampson
2015. Patterned iconicity in sign language lexicons. In Where do nouns come from? [Benjamins Current Topics, 70],  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. Multilingualism. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo

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