Article published In:
Sign Language & Linguistics
Vol. 12:2 (2009) ► pp.161186
Cited by (20)

Cited by 20 other publications

Pfau, Roland & Markus Steinbach
2023. Morphology in Sign Languages. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bauer, Anastasia & Masha Kyuseva
2022. New Insights Into Mouthings: Evidence From a Corpus-Based Study of Russian Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Kagirov, I. A. & D. A. Ryumin
2022. Russian Sign Language Database for Clinical Use: Data and Annotation Peculiarities. NSU Vestnik. Series: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication 20:3  pp. 90 ff. DOI logo
Motamedi, Yasamin, Kathryn Montemurro, Natasha Abner, Molly Flaherty, Simon Kirby & Susan Goldin-Meadow
2022. The Seeds of the Noun–Verb Distinction in the Manual Modality: Improvisation and Interaction in the Emergence of Grammatical Categories. Languages 7:2  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Pyers, Jennie E. & Karen Emmorey
2022. The iconic motivation for the morphophonological distinction between noun–verb pairs in American Sign Language does not reflect common human construals of objects and actions. Language and Cognition 14:4  pp. 622 ff. DOI logo
Ribera-Llonc, Eulàlia, M. Teresa Espinal & Josep Quer
2022. The noun-verb distinction in Catalan Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bogliotti, Caroline & Frederic Isel
2021. Manual and Spoken Cues in French Sign Language’s Lexical Access: Evidence From Mouthing in a Sign-Picture Priming Paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Sehyr, Zed Sevcikova & Karen Emmorey
2021. The effects of multiple linguistic variables on picture naming in American Sign Language. Behavior Research Methods 54:5  pp. 2502 ff. DOI logo
Börstell, Carl
2019. Differential object marking in sign languages. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4:1 DOI logo
Wu, Suwei
2019. The Tool Noun and Tool Verb Alternation in Gesture. Multimodal Communication 8:2 DOI logo
Hou, Lynn & Richard P. Meier
2018. The morphology of first-person object forms of directional verbs in ASL. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3:1 DOI logo
Kimmelman, Vadim
2018. Basic argument structure in Russian Sign Language. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3:1 DOI logo
Abner, Natasha
2017. What You See Is What You Get.Get: Surface Transparency and Ambiguity of Nominalizing Reduplication in American Sign Language. Syntax 20:4  pp. 317 ff. DOI logo
Abner, Natasha
2017. Syntactic Categorization in Sign Languages * *I am extremely indebted to all of the individuals who have shared their language and their research with me and with the scientific community. I also thank Carlo Geraci and the editors for valuable feedback and suggestions. Any remaining errors are my own.. In Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science,  pp. 549 ff. DOI logo
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Kastner, Itamar, Irit Meir, Wendy Sandler & Svetlana Dachkovsky
2014. The emergence of embedded structure: insights from Kafr Qasem Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology 5 DOI logo
Haviland, John B.
Haviland, John B.
2015. The emerging grammar of nouns in a first generation sign language. In Where do nouns come from? [Benjamins Current Topics, 70],  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Tkachman, Oksana & Wendy Sandler
2013. The noun–verb distinction in two young sign languages. Gesture 13:3  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Tkachman, Oksana & Wendy Sandler
2015. The noun-verb distinction in two young sign languages. In Where do nouns come from? [Benjamins Current Topics, 70],  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo

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