The present and future of functional adequacy
The concept of Functional Adequacy (FA) proposed by Kuiken and Vedder, and the research conducted by the authors
in this special issue is pushing the field of Task- Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and Task-Based Language Assessment (TBLA)
towards a more inclusive understanding of what it means to perform a task successfully. In addition, the idea of FA is an
important contribution not just for assessment but for research on L2 pragmatic learning through tasks. As demonstrated by the
authors in this special issue, the FA rating scale is a reliable and easy-to-use tool. And as I argue, the rating scale can be
expanded to assess interactional tasks and tasks mediated by technology, and that has repercussion for practice in the language
classroom as well as for research in the fields of TBLT, TBLA, and L2 Pragmatics.
Article outline
- Introduction
- What we know about FA so far
- Relationship between CAF and FA
- The impact of FA
- Looking forward
- Interactional tasks
- Modality
- Conclusion
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Gonzalez‐Lloret, Marta
Task‐Based Pragmatics Teaching. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Kuiken, Folkert & Ineke Vedder
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