Comment mettre la main à la pâte en terminologie
In English this paper could be entitled Hands on Terminology. It outlines an active and creative method for guiding students’ first steps in applied medical terminology through corpora-based project work on a chosen body part, such as brain, heart, skin, tonsil, etc. Specialised corpora in English and French are purpose-built by the students and analysed with WordSmith Tools. Morphemic analyses are carried out including remarks on etymology and synonyms, then meronomies, taxonomies, disease fact files and bilingual glossary files are created. This method has been used at master’s level since 2001 : it gives excellent results with self-motivated students capable of taking initiative
Keywords: teaching medical terminology, translation studies, English–French translation, project work, corpora building, morphemic analysis, corpus analysis, Greek and Latin roots, etymology, synonymy, taxonomy, meronomy, bilingual glossary, disease fact file
Article language: French