Listening and comprehension in interpreting
Questions that remain open
The study of skilled listening comprehension shows that listening is a complex, dynamic, and interactive process that
enables listeners to understand a message and respond adequately to the requirements of communicative interaction. Individual factors, such
as language proficiency, working memory capacity, and previous knowledge, interact in the listening process and performance. Moreover,
skilled listeners deploy controlled strategies directed at making the best use of their abilities to achieve a specific communicative goal.
However, our understanding of individual variables, such as language proficiency, topic-specific knowledge, and the strategies that
interpreters use when listening for interpreting, remain mostly unexplored. This article presents listening comprehension as a goal-directed
activity and articulates recent research on individual factors involved in listening comprehension with current conceptions of comprehension
for interpreting. This review identifies relevant gaps in our understanding about the comprehension process in interpreting.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Listening and comprehension in simultaneous interpreting
- Individual factors in listening and comprehension in interpreting
- Working memory and executive processes in listening and interpreting
- Language proficiency in listening and interpreting
- Previous vocabulary and topic knowledge
- Successful listening and interpreting
- Skilled L2 listeners vs. unskilled L2 listeners
- Skilled interpreters vs. unskilled interpreters
- Conclusion
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