The Western Balkans in translated children’s literature
Location-dependent images of (self)representation
This study approaches translations as framing and representation sites that can serve to either contest or promote
stereotypes. Critically looking at textual and visual images of the source culture, the discussion considers how the particular location of
different participants in the translation production process contributes to the presentation of violence as a predominant image of Western
Balkan nations. The analysis uncovers networks of source-based production participants focusing on images of ‘nesting’ Balkanisms and
self-representations centring on love and humaneness. On the other hand, networks led by editors located in the target culture often
emphasise the preconceived stereotypes of dominant violence in the Western Balkans or turn towards globalising the images of violence.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The image of the Western Balkans
- 2.1How others see us
- 2.2Globalised hetero-images
- 2.3Nesting self-images
- 2.4How we want to be seen
- 3.Conclusion
- Notes
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Communication with key participants
Bashevski, Dimitar. 14 December 2011. Face-to-face communication. Author of Anya’s Diary and owner and editor at Slovo publishing house, North Macedonia. Communication conducted in Macedonian.
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Rašček, Sanja. 24 March 2014. E-mail interview. Illustrator of Hedgehog’s Home by Branko Copic. Communication conducted in English.
Vugdelić, Dragan. 3 February 2014. E-mail communication. Translator of Beauty of All Times edited by Dušan Đurišić. Communication conducted in English.
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