Establishing a theoretical framework for AVT research
The importance of cognitive models
Empirical research on the cognitive processing of audiovisual translation (AVT)
products has been thriving over the past decade. While the use of cutting-edge experimental tools such as eye trackers has drawn
increasing scholarly attention and accelerated the progress in understanding the complex mental processes involved in the
reception of multimodal AVT products, relatively less attention has been devoted to the importance of establishing a theoretical
framework or cognitive model that can explain and predict the behaviours observed in empirical experiments. By reviewing numerous
theories or cognitive models relevant to AVT research in explaining how different perceptual and cognitive systems operate for
understanding multimodal products, this paper calls for engagement with these theoretical frameworks and models to work towards a
robust model that can generate testable hypotheses for the integration and interaction of multiple sources of information involved
in the processing of AVT or other multimodal products.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Memory and cognition
- Modal model – Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
- Model of working memory – Baddeley and Hitch (1974); Baddeley (2000, 2010, 2012)
- Multimodality
- Cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) – Mayer (2014)
- Dual-channel assumption
- Limited capacity assumption
- Active processing assumption
- Integrated model of text and picture comprehension (ITPC) – Schnotz and Bannert
- Scene perception and event comprehension theory (SPECT) – Loschky et al.
- Front-end cognitive processes
- Back-end cognitive processes
- Dynamic visual narratives
- Models in reading research
- The E-Z Reader model – Reichle et al. (2012)
- The Über-Reader model – Reichle (2021)
- Multimodal integrated-language framework (MILF) – Liao et al. (2021a)
- Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgement
- Notes
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