Translation Spaces

Volume 4, Issue 2 (2015)

2015.  iii, 154 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 11 January 2016
Table of Contents
Translation, Globalization, and Communication Technology
A controlled language-based evaluation approach to ensure image accessibility during web localisation
Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez
Translation, Government, Law and Policy
Decision-making in the translation of end-user license agreements
Olga Torres-Hostench, Ramon Piqué Huerta and Pilar Cid Leal
Translation, Computation and Information
Machine-assisted translation of literary text: A case study
Antonio Toral and Andy Way
Translation and Entertainment
Auteurism and game localization — revisiting translational approaches: Film quotations in multimedia interactive entertainment
Silvia Pettini
Translation, Commerce and Economy
Heritage interpretation, place branding and experiential marketing in the destination management of geotourism sites
Margaret Hart Robertson
Translation as an Object of Study
Cognitive Translation Studies and the merging of empirical paradigms: The case of ‘literal translation’
Sandra L. Halverson

Main BIC Subject

CFP: Translation & interpretation

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General