Translating for a healthier gaming industry
Keywords and translation in Macao’s gaming discourse
This article conducts a corpus-based critical discourse analysis of keywords and their translations in Macao’s gaming discourse, with an aim to explore the impact of translation on the construction of gaming discourse and the development of the gaming industry in Macao from 1999 to 2011, the first decade following the region’s sovereignty handover. The corpus consists of texts from 2000 to 2011 concerning three public sectors in Macao: local government, academia and the media. The study finds diachronic as well as synchronic changes in the distribution and translation of certain keywords in the corpus. It argues that shifts in the keyword terminology being used, such as from ‘gambling’ to ‘gaming,’ aim at framing the Macao gaming industry in specific social developmental ways. It also argues that translation plays a crucial role in the construction of a new gaming discourse.
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Pan, Hanting & Meifang Zhang
Translation and Linguistics. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Translation,
► pp. 238 ff.

Li, Longxing, Chu-Ren Huang & Vincent Xian Wang
Lexical Competition and Change: A Corpus-Assisted Investigation of Gambling and Gaming in the Past Centuries.
Sage Open 10:3

Nartey, Mark & Isaac N. Mwinlaaru
Towards a decade of synergising corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis: a meta-analysis.
Corpora 14:2
► pp. 203 ff.

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