Valence Changes in Zapotec

Synchrony, diachrony, typology

ISBN 9789027206916 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027267788 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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Zapotec languages present a wide range of lexical, morphological, phonological, and syntactic means of indicating valence changes. Despite their significant theoretical interest, detailed descriptions of valence-changing phenomena in Zapotec are rare, comparative studies are practically non-existent, and Zapotec contributions to the general typology of valence-changing phenomena still remain largely untapped. The present volume addresses this imbalance by being the first to explore Zapotec valence-changing constructions in depth, and to highlight their broad comparative, typological, and theoretical significance. This book contains both write-ups of contributions to the Special Session on Valence-Changing Devices in Zapotecan (annual meeting of SSILA, 2012) and specially commissioned chapters. It will be of interest to Zapotecanists, Otomangueanists, Mesoamericanists, typologists, morphologists, syntacticians, semanticians, and general linguists with an interest in valence-changing phenomena, and may also be used as supplementary reading in field methods and typology courses.
[Typological Studies in Language, 110] 2015.  xiii, 385 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 26 November 2015
Table of Contents
“The rich contemporary variation in valence across the Zapotec languages combined with the historical perspective – the documentation of Zapotec dates back to the sixteenth century – provides a wealth of empirical data and analyses directly relevant to current issues at the forefront of current research on valence. The historical development from transparent affixation as a marker of transitivization to a series of morphophonemic alternations challenges classifications of languages in terms of direction of derivation between transitive and intransitive counterparts.”
“I believe the volume is successful in presenting both the variety of valence-changing devices in Zapotec languages as well as in fully demonstrating the great similarities which unite their grammars. I believe that a reader will indeed come away from this volume with a good understanding of these phenomena in the languages.”
Cited by (3)

Cited by three other publications

Operstein, Natalie
2024. Grammar and grammaticalization in Zapotec. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 77:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Uchihara, Hiroto & Ambrocio Gutiérrez
2021. Teotitlán Zapotec: An ‘activizing’ language. Linguistic Typology 25:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
de Azcona, Rosemary G. Beam
2017. Spanish infinitives borrowed into Zapotec light verb constructions. In Language Contact and Change in Mesoamerica and Beyond [Studies in Language Companion Series, 185],  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CF/2JN: Linguistics/North & Central American indigenous languages

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2015030739 | Marc record