Table of contents
Author affiliations
Chapter 1. The dynamics of insubordination: An overview
Chapter 2. On insubordination and cooptation
Chapter 3. Running in the family: Patterns of complement insubordination in Germanic
Chapter 4. Independent si-clauses in Spanish: Functions and consequences for insubordination
Chapter 5. Revisiting the functional typology of insubordination: Insubordinate que-constructions in Spanish*
Chapter 6. Insubordinated conditionals in spoken and non-spoken Italian
Chapter 7. Insubordination in the Tsezic Languages
Chapter 8. Ordinary insubordination as transient discourse
Chapter 9. Insubordination and the establishment of genealogical relationship across Eurasia
Chapter 10. Insubordination in Japanese diachronically
Chapter 11. Insubordination in Aleut
Chapter 12. Insubordination in Sliammon Salish
Chapter 13. Insubordination in interaction: The Cha’palaa counter-assertive
Chapter 14. How fascinating! Insubordinate exclamations
Chapter 15. Routes to insubordination: A cross-linguistic perspective
Language Index
Author Index
Subject Index
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