Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition

ISBN 9789027228697 (Eur) | EUR 120.00
ISBN 9780915027095 (USA) | USD 180.00
PaperbackOther edition available
ISBN 9789027228703 (Eur)
ISBN 9780915027101 (USA)
ISBN 9789027286406 | EUR 120.00/36.00*
| USD 180.00/54.00*
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This volume consists of papers presented at the Conference on Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition, University of Southern California, February 1982. Published with the papers are the remarks of the originally assigned discussants. The collection represents an important cross-fertilization between research in grammatical theory and in second language acquisition. Topics dealt with in a number of the papers include word order, markedness, core grammar, accessability hierarchies, and simplified registers. The range of universals discussed embraces phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. Universals are also considered with reference to ontology, psychological reality, and evaluation metrics.
[Typological Studies in Language, 5] 1984.  ix, 264 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 April 2011
Table of Contents
“Already an outstanding collection, the value of the papers in Language Universals and Second Language Acquisition is further enhanced by the frequently insightful critiques following each paper.”
Cited by (20)

Cited by 20 other publications

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2024. Input, Universals, and Transfer in Developing Rhotics: A Sketch in Bilingualism. Languages 9:10  pp. 328 ff. DOI logo
Saturno, Jacopo & Marzena Watorek
2020. The emergence of functional case marking in initial varieties of Polish L2. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 11:1  pp. 32 ff. DOI logo
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Velasco, Patricia & Ofelia García
2014. Translanguaging and the Writing of Bilingual Learners. Bilingual Research Journal 37:1  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Dekeyser, Robert M.
2007. I: FOUNDATIONS. In Practice in a Second Language,  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Muranoi, Hitoshi
2007. Output practice in the L2 classroom. In Practice in a Second Language,  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Doughty, Catherine J. & Michael H. Long
2003. The Scope of Inquiry and Goals of SLA. In The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Romaine, Suzanne
2003. Variation. In The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 410 ff. DOI logo
Song, Jae Jung
2002. Language Universals and Universal Language: The Case of the Accessibility Hierarchy in Relativization. Journal of Universal Language 3:2  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Stockman, Ida J. & Erna Pluut
1992. Segment Composition as a Factor in the Syllabification Errors of Second‐Language Speakers*. Language Learning 42:1  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
Hulk, Aafke
1991. Parameter setting and the acquisition of word order in L2 French. Interlanguage studies bulletin (Utrecht) 7:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
James, Carl
1990. Learner language. Language Teaching 23:4  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Williams, Jessica
1989. Language Acquisition, Language Contact and Nativized Varieties of English1. RELC Journal 20:1  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
Kachru, Yamuna
1988. Cognitive and Cultural Styles in Second Language Acquisition. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 9  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Brandson, R. L.
1986.  John H. Underwood. Linguistics, Computers and the Language Teacher: A Communicative Approach. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House. 1984. Pp. xv + 109.. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 31:2  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Kumaravadivelu, B.
1986. Second Languages: A cross-linguistic perspective. Roger Andersen (Ed.). Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 1984. pp. ix + 428.. Applied Psycholinguistics 7:2  pp. 157 ff. DOI logo
1986. Second language acquisition research and the study of non‐native varieties of English: some issues in common. World Englishes 5:1  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
1986. Bridging the paradigm gap: second language acquisition theory and indigenized varieties of English. World Englishes 5:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Bongaerts, Theo
1985. Review articles: Davies, A., Criper, C. and Howatt, A. editors, 1984: Interlanguage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. xvi + 384 pp. £25.00. Interlanguage studies bulletin (Utrecht) 1:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Rutherford, William E.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 31 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


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CF: Linguistics

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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  84009387 | Marc record