An analysis of critical ‘voices’ and ‘styles’ in transpreters’ translations of complainants’ narratives
Monwabisi K. Ralarala | Fundani Centre for Higher Education Development, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Police officers (hereafter referred to as transpreters) have a fundamental role and function as both ‘interpreters’ and ‘translators’ in the process of the administration of justice. This role and function hinges, oftentimes, on how the two agents, that is, the transpreters and the complainants, relate to each other. What is it that they represent? What do they stand to gain? What mechanisms are at play that they exploit to reach their various goals and desires? In discharging these roles and functions, transpreters in particular become actively engaged in the activities of listening to, visualising, then retelling and rewriting the complainants’ isiXhosa oral narrative text into the English language. All these laborious and tedious activities are conducted to compile sworn statements that become essential in the leading of a criminal investigation, as well as in compiling the evidence that is ultimately used in court. In this context, the ‘voices’ that inform the ‘styles’ in and through which the original narratives are reconstructed (as translations) into police records remain critical as part of the legal discourse in the South African criminal justice system. These ‘voices’ and ‘styles’ signal the extent to which sworn statements are mediated and manipulated.
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Eades, Diana, Helen Fraser & Georgina Heydon
Forensic Linguistics in Australia,

Harding, Sue-Ann & Monwabisi K. Ralarala
‘Tell me the story is and do not leave out anything’. Social responsibility and ethical practices in the translation of complainants’ narratives: the potential for change.
The Translator 23:2
► pp. 158 ff.

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