Communicatiestrategieen En Vreemde-Taalverwerving
In the present article the author tries to define the notion of "strategy", with respect to related notions like "approach" plan and process. "Approach" must be seen as a relatively large category, that is linked with personality and acts upon the choice of "plans".
Plan is seen as opposed to execution; within "execution" strategy (controlled) has process (automatic) as its counterpart.
Next, a number of definitions and classifications of strategies are subjected to a critical analysis, after which specific attention is given to productive communicative strategies.
In this respect the question is addressed as to how the use of strategies can best be studied (observation, thinking out loud, interview). In the last part of the article, a framework is suggested, which allows research to be conducted into the use of strategies with more results than have been obtained so far.
Article language: Dutch