Tussen Lezen En Luisteren
Grafeem-foneem Interactie Tijdens Bimodale Taalverwerking
Ton Dijkstra | Nijmeegs Instituut voor Cognitie en Informatie
Two divided attention experiments investigated whether graphemes and phonemes can mutually activate each other during bimodal sublexical processing. Dutch subjects reacted to target letters and/or speech sounds in single-channel and bimodal stimuli. In some bimodal conditions, the visual and auditory targets were congruent (e.g., visual A, auditory /a:/), in others they were not (e.g., visual U, auditory /a:/). Temporal aspects of cross-modal activation were examined by varying the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of visual and auditory stimulus components. Processing differences among stimuli (e.g., the letters A and U) were accounted for by correcting the obtained bimodal reaction times by means of the predictions of an independent race-model. Comparing the results of the adapted congruent and incongruent conditions for each SOA, it can be concluded that (a) cross-modal activation takes place in this task situation; (b) it is bidirectional, i.e. it spreads from grapheme to phoneme and vice versa; and (c) it occurs very rapidly.
Article language: Dutch