De (On-)Zin In Toetsvragen
In most testing practices not only the ability or knowledge the test aims to measure is assessed, but also the reading ability of the tested person. The level of his reading ability interferes with the ability to be measured. Several 'communication-problems' between teacher and student reinforce the effect of this interferance. For non-native students with little or no experience with the test- and teaching customs of their host-country the effect is stronger.
In this article the author discusses the three main categories of this miscommunication:
- the question lacks an explicit instruction, causing uncertainty for the student as to what the teacher expects him to do;
- the way in which the question is stated makes that it does not ask what the teacher aims to ask, often caused by a lack of accuracy in the formulation;
- the question elicits information about an ability other than the one the teacher wants to get information about, caused by a wrong operationalization of the construct.
Article language: Dutch