Martínez, Camila, Natasha Maurits & Ben Maassen
Graphogame intervention as a tool for early diagnosis of reading difficulties in Spanish-speaking children with developmental language disorder.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 39:1
► pp. 16 ff.

Oralbayeva, Nurziya, Aida Amirova, Anna CohenMiller & Anara Sandygulova
Cognitive Learning and Robotics: Innovative Teaching for Inclusivity.
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 6:8
► pp. 65 ff.

Richter, Caroline G., Noam Siegelman, Kelly Mahaffy, Mark Van Den Bunt, Devin M. Kearns, Nicole Landi, John Sabatini, Kenneth Pugh & Fumiko Hoeft
The impact of computer–assisted technology on literacy acquisition during COVID-19-related school closures: Group–level effects and predictors of individual–level outcomes.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Söderholm, Fiia, Kristiina Lappalainen, Leena Holopainen & Jaana Viljaranta
The development of school burnout in general upper secondary education: the role of support and schoolwork difficulties.
Educational Psychology 42:5
► pp. 607 ff.

Verhoeven, Ludo, Marinus Voeten & Eliane Segers
Computer-assisted word reading intervention effects throughout the primary grades: A meta-analysis.
Educational Research Review 37
► pp. 100486 ff.

Cen-Yagiz, Suzan & Berna Aytac
An Ecocultural Perspective on Learning Disability: Evaluation of Familial and Cultural Factors and Presentation of an Integrated Model. In

McTigue, Erin M., Oddny Judith Solheim, Wendi K. Zimmer & Per Henning Uppstad
Critically Reviewing GraphoGame Across the World: Recommendations and Cautions for Research and Implementation of Computer‐Assisted Instruction for Word‐Reading Acquisition.
Reading Research Quarterly 55:1
► pp. 45 ff.

Mehringer, Hannah, Gorka Fraga-González, Georgette Pleisch, Martina Röthlisberger, Franziska Aepli, Vera Keller, Iliana I. Karipidis & Silvia Brem
(Swiss) GraphoLearn: an app-based tool to support beginning readers.
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 15:1

Jamshidifarsani, Hossein, Samir Garbaya, Theodore Lim, Pierre Blazevic & James M. Ritchie
Technology-based reading intervention programs for elementary grades: An analytical review.
Computers & Education 128
► pp. 427 ff.

Klatte, Maria, Kirstin Bergström, Claudia Steinbrink, Marita Konerding & Thomas Lachmann
Effects of the Computer-Based Training Program Lautarium on Phonological Awareness and Reading and Spelling Abilities in German Second-Graders. In
Reading and Dyslexia [
Literacy Studies, 16],
► pp. 323 ff.

Schmitt, Kelly L., Lisa B. Hurwitz, Laura Sheridan Duel & Deborah L. Nichols Linebarger
Learning through play: The impact of web-based games on early literacy development.
Computers in Human Behavior 81
► pp. 378 ff.

Rosas, Ricardo, José-Pablo Escobar, María-Paz Ramírez, Alejandra Meneses & Alejandra Guajardo
Impact of a computer-based intervention in Chilean children at risk of manifesting reading difficulties / Impacto de una intervención basada en ordenador en niños chilenos con riesgo de manifestar dificultades lectoras.
Infancia y Aprendizaje 40:1
► pp. 158 ff.

Geurts, Luc, Vero Vanden Abeele, Véronique Celis, Jelle Husson, Lieven Van den Audenaeren, Leen Loyez, Ann Goeleven, Jan Wouters & Pol Ghesquière
DIESEL-X: A Game-Based Tool for Early Risk Detection of Dyslexia in Preschoolers. In
Describing and Studying Domain-Specific Serious Games,
► pp. 93 ff.

Ojanen, Emma, Miia Ronimus, Timo Ahonen, Tamara Chansa-Kabali, Pamela February, Jacqueline Jere-Folotiya, Karri-Pekka Kauppinen, Ritva Ketonen, Damaris Ngorosho, Mikko Pitkänen, Suzanne Puhakka, Francis Sampa, Gabriel Walubita, Christopher Yalukanda, Ken Pugh, Ulla Richardson, Robert Serpell & Heikki Lyytinen
GraphoGame – a catalyst for multi-level promotion of literacy in diverse contexts.
Frontiers in Psychology 6

Vanden Abeele, Vero, Jan Wouters, Pol Ghesquière, Ann Goeleven & Luc Geurts
Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play,
► pp. 331 ff.

Pennala, Riitta, Ulla Richardson, Sari Ylinen, Heikki Lyytinen & Maisa Martin
Computer game as a tool for training the identification of phonemic length.
Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 39:4
► pp. 149 ff.

Ronimus, Miia, Janne Kujala, Asko Tolvanen & Heikki Lyytinen
Children's engagement during digital game-based learning of reading: The effects of time, rewards, and challenge.
Computers & Education 71
► pp. 237 ff.

Ronimus, Miia & Ulla Richardson
Digital game-based training of early reading skills: overview of the GraphoGame method in a highly transparent orthography / Entrenamiento de habilidades de lectura tempranas basado en un juego digital: visión general del método GraphoGame en una ortografía altamente transparente.
Estudios de Psicología 35:3
► pp. 648 ff.

Kyle, Fiona, Janne Kujala, Ulla Richardson, Heikki Lyytinen & Usha Goswami
Assessing the Effectiveness of Two Theoretically Motivated Computer‐Assisted Reading Interventions in the United Kingdom: GG Rime and GG Phoneme.
Reading Research Quarterly 48:1
► pp. 61 ff.

Blomert, Leo & Gonny Willems
Is there a causal link from a phonological awareness deficit to reading failure in children at familial risk for dyslexia?.
Dyslexia 16:4
► pp. 300 ff.

Kirby, John R., George K. Georgiou, Rhonda Martinussen & Rauno Parrila
Naming Speed and Reading: From Prediction to Instruction.
Reading Research Quarterly 45:3
► pp. 341 ff.

Scheltinga, Femke, Aryan van der Leij & Chris Struiksma
Predictors of Response to Intervention of Word Reading Fluency in Dutch.
Journal of Learning Disabilities 43:3
► pp. 212 ff.

In search of a science‐based application: A learning tool for reading acquisition.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 50:6
► pp. 668 ff.

Wilson, Anna J., Stanislas Dehaene, Ophélie Dubois & Michel Fayol
Effects of an Adaptive Game Intervention on Accessing Number Sense in Low‐Socioeconomic‐Status Kindergarten Children.
Mind, Brain, and Education 3:4
► pp. 224 ff.

Hintikka, Sini, Karin Landerl, Mikko Aro & Heikki Lyytinen
Training reading fluency: is it important to practice reading aloud and is generalization possible?.
Annals of Dyslexia 58:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Huemer (née Hintikka), Sini, Karin Landerl, Mikko Aro & Heikki Lyytinen
Training reading fluency among poor readers of German: many ways to the goal.
Annals of Dyslexia 58:2
► pp. 115 ff.

Leppänen, Ulla, Kaisa Aunola, Pekka Niemi & Jari-Erik Nurmi
Letter knowledge predicts Grade 4 reading fluency and reading comprehension.
Learning and Instruction 18:6
► pp. 548 ff.

Molfese, Victoria J., Dennis L. Molfese, Jennifer L. Beswick, Jill Jacobi-Vessels, Peter J. Molfese, Andrew E. Molnar, Mary C. Wagner & Brittany L. Haines
Use of Event-Related Potentials to Identify Language and Reading Skills.
Topics in Language Disorders 28:1
► pp. 28 ff.

Natale, Katja, Kaisa Aunola, Jari-Erik Nurmi, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Paula Lyytinen & Heikki Lyytinen
Mothers' Causal Attributions Concerning the Reading Achievement of Their Children With and Without Familial Risk for Dyslexia.
Journal of Learning Disabilities 41:3
► pp. 274 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 15 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.