2021. A Little Something Goes a Long Way: Little in the Old Bailey Corpus. Journal of English Linguistics 49:1 ► pp. 61 ff.
Claridge, Claudia & Merja Kytö
2021. Degree and Related Phenomena in the History of English: Evidence of Usage and Pathways of Change. Journal of English Linguistics 49:1 ► pp. 3 ff.
Hiltunen, Turo
2021. Intensification in Eighteenth Century Medical Writing. Journal of English Linguistics 49:1 ► pp. 90 ff.
2014. On the History of the IntensifierWonderin English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:3 ► pp. 399 ff.
Calle-Martín, Javier
2019. No Cat Could be That Hungry!This/Thatas Intensifiers in American English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 39:2 ► pp. 151 ff.
Martín, Javier Calle
2017. “When That Wounds Are Evil Healed”: Revisiting Pleonastic That in Early English Medical Writing. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 52:1 ► pp. 5 ff.
Calle-Martín, Javier & Jesús Romero-Barranco
2014. On the Use ofthat/zeroas Object Clause Links in Early English Medical Writing. Studia Neophilologica 86:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
González-Díaz, Victorina
2014. ‘I quite detest the man’: Degree adverbs, female language and Jane Austen. Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 23:4 ► pp. 310 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.