'The Conditioned and the Unconditioned'

Late Modern English texts on philosophy

incl. CD-rom: A Corpus of English Philosophy Texts (CEPhiT)

ISBN 9789027212290 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027262172 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
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This volume includes methodological considerations and descriptions of some of the texts compiled in The Corpus of English Philosophy Texts (CEPhiT), together with a number of pilot studies that demonstrate how the corpus can be used to investigate English philosophy writing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.

CEPhiT is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC). The sampling method employed requires the collection of extracts of ca. 10,000 words. This method has been followed in CETA and CEPhiT, with samples from 40 different authors in the latter, both from Europe and North America. Text selection is based on some extralinguistic criteria, such as year of publication, sex, geographical provenance and text-types/genres. The corpus contains samples belonging to six different genre categories. This taxonomy, as well as some other extralinguistic information, can be used to search the corpus.

CEPhiT, together with the Coruña Corpus Tool purpose-designed software by IrLab, was originally made available with the volume on CD-rom. As of late 2018, these are also accessible online at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña: CCT at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21850and CEPhiT at https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497077

[Not in series, 198] 2016.  xi, 182 pp. (Incl. CD-Rom)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 29 March 2019
Table of Contents
Cited by (34)

Cited by 34 other publications

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2020. Text-organizing metadiscourse. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21:1  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Alfaya Lamas, Elena
2019. A review of the development of historical writing and writers in English from 1700 to 1900. In Writing History in Late Modern English,  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Gentilcore, David
2019. Chapter 4. Regimens and their readers in eighteenth-century England. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
Hiltunen, Turo
2019. 11.7. Scientific periodicals. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
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Hiltunen, Turo & Jukka Tyrkkö
2019. 12. LMEMT Corpus Manual. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
Lehto, Anu
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2019. 11.2b. Methods. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
Monaco, Leida Maria & Luis Puente-Castelo
2019. ‘A matter both of curioſity and uſefulneſs’: Compiling the Corpus of English Texts on Language. Research in Corpus Linguistics 7  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Moskowich, Isabel & Begoña Crespo
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Pahta, Päivi
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Ratia, Maura
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2019. 11.1. General treatises and textbooks. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
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Tyrkkö, Jukka
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Tyrkkö, Jukka
2019. Chapter 10. The symptom comes of age. In Late Modern English Medical Texts, DOI logo
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Whitt, Richard J.
2018. Using diachronic corpora to understand the connection between genre and language change. In Diachronic Corpora, Genre, and Language Change [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 85],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gogora, Andrej
2017. The Text Mining of Ethics and Information Technology. Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina 19:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Monaco, Leida Maria
2016. Was late Modern English scientific writing impersonal?. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 21:4  pp. 499 ff. DOI logo
Monaco, Leida Maria
2019. Exploring the narrative dimension in late Modern English History texts. In Writing History in Late Modern English,  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Monaco, Leida Maria
2021. Spotting register-internal variation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century life sciences. In “All families and genera”,  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 17 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CFF: Historical & comparative linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2015041505 | Marc record