Chapter 5
Adposition clusters in Dutch
This paper demonstrates that Dutch not only has verb clusters, but also adposition clusters. It identifies the adpositions that participate in clustering and provides quantitative data about their use in corpora of spoken Dutch and written Dutch.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Adposition clustering exists
- 2.1A first attempt
- 2.2A second attempt
- 3.Identifying the clustering adpositions
- 3.1Retrieval
- 3.2Filtering
- 3.3An objection and its rebuttal
- 4.Properties of the Dutch adposition clusters
- 5.Conclusion
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Van Eynde, Frank
Clustering and stranding in Dutch.
Linguistics 57:5
► pp. 1025 ff.

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