The Language of Emotions
Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation
Since the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Darwin's The Language of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), emotionology has become a respectable and even thriving research domain again. The domain of human emotions is most important for mankind, emotions being right in the center of our daily lives and interests. A key-role in the interdisciplinary scientific debate about emotions has now been accorded to the study of the language of emotions.
The present volume offers a new approach to the study of the language of emotions insofar as it presents theories from very different perspectives. It encompasses studies by scholars from diverse disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, and psychology.
The topics of the contributions also cover a range of special fields of interest in four major sections. In a first section, a discussion of theoretical issues in the analysis of emotions is presented. The conceptualization of emotions in specific cultures is analyzed in section 2. Section 3 takes a different inroad into the language of emotions by looking at developmental approaches giving evidence of the fact that the acquisition of the language of emotions is a social achievement that simultaneously determines our experience of these emotions. Section 4 is devoted to emotional language in action, that is, the contributions focus upon different types of texts and analyze how emotions are referred to and expressed in discourse.
The present volume offers a new approach to the study of the language of emotions insofar as it presents theories from very different perspectives. It encompasses studies by scholars from diverse disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, and psychology.
The topics of the contributions also cover a range of special fields of interest in four major sections. In a first section, a discussion of theoretical issues in the analysis of emotions is presented. The conceptualization of emotions in specific cultures is analyzed in section 2. Section 3 takes a different inroad into the language of emotions by looking at developmental approaches giving evidence of the fact that the acquisition of the language of emotions is a social achievement that simultaneously determines our experience of these emotions. Section 4 is devoted to emotional language in action, that is, the contributions focus upon different types of texts and analyze how emotions are referred to and expressed in discourse.
[Not in series, 85] 1997. xviii, 337 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 28 June 2011
Published online on 28 June 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
IntroductionSusanne Niemeier | p. vii
I. Theoretical issues in the analysis of emotion
Is the “psychologic” of trust universal?Jan Smedslund | p. 3
The expressive function of language: Towards a cognitive semantic approachAd Foolen | p. 15
Toward a semiotic theory of affectJohn W. Oller and Anne Wiltshire | p. 33
Emotions as cause and the cause of emotionsRené Dirven | p. 55
II. The conceptualization of emotions in specific cultures
Dholuo emotional language: An overviewLucia Omondi | p. 87
The prepositions we use in the construal of emotions: Why do we say fed up with by sick and tired of?Meredith Osmond | p. 111
Space, reference, and emotional involvementCarlos Inchaurralde Besga | p. 135
Surprise, surprise: The iconicity-conventionality scale of emotionsBarbara Kryk-Kastovsky | p. 155
III. Developmental approaches to emotions
The acquisition of verbal expressions for internal states in German: A descriptive, explorative, longitudinal studyChristina Kauschke and Gisela Klann-Delius | p. 173
On the usage of emotional language: A developmental view of the tip of an icebergPéter Bodor | p. 195
Emotion talk(s): The role of perspective in the construction of emotionsMichael Bamberg | p. 209
A response to Michael BambergAnna Wierzbicka | p. 227
IV. Emotions in discourse
French interjections and their use in discourse: ah dis donc les vieux souvenirsMartina Drescher | pp. 233–246
The contextualization of affect in reported dialoguesSusanne Günthner | p. 247
Nonverbal expression of emotions in a business negotiationSusanne Niemeier | p. 277
Emotions and emotional language in English and German new storiesFriedrich Ungerer | p. 307
Subject Index | p. 329
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JM: Psychology
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