The Language of Emotions

Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation

 | Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg
 | Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg
ISBN 9789027221605 (Eur) | EUR 120.00
ISBN 9781556195143 (USA) | USD 180.00
ISBN 9789027283894 | EUR 120.00 | USD 180.00
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Since the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Darwin's The Language of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), emotionology has become a respectable and even thriving research domain again. The domain of human emotions is most important for mankind, emotions being right in the center of our daily lives and interests. A key-role in the interdisciplinary scientific debate about emotions has now been accorded to the study of the language of emotions.
The present volume offers a new approach to the study of the language of emotions insofar as it presents theories from very different perspectives. It encompasses studies by scholars from diverse disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, and psychology.
The topics of the contributions also cover a range of special fields of interest in four major sections. In a first section, a discussion of theoretical issues in the analysis of emotions is presented. The conceptualization of emotions in specific cultures is analyzed in section 2. Section 3 takes a different inroad into the language of emotions by looking at developmental approaches giving evidence of the fact that the acquisition of the language of emotions is a social achievement that simultaneously determines our experience of these emotions. Section 4 is devoted to emotional language in action, that is, the contributions focus upon different types of texts and analyze how emotions are referred to and expressed in discourse.
[Not in series, 85] 1997.  xviii, 337 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 28 June 2011
Table of Contents
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JM: Psychology

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