Publication details [#65738]
Roever, Carsten and Makoto Abe. 2019. Interactional competence in L2 text-chat interactions: First-idea proffering in task openings. Journal of Pragmatics 144 : 1–14. 
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
This paper centers on how L2 learners bid a first idea in opening of task-based text-chat interactions. How first ideas are bidded is sensitive to learners' level of L2 interactional ability. Lower-level learners are more likely to reply an idea proffer with another idea proffer. High-level learners tend to make more expanded sequences around first idea proffers and search for ideas. CA can be profitably fit to text-chat interaction to track evolution of L2 interactional ability.