
Technical specifications

Browser: A recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge is advised.

Fonts: To represent characters from a vast range of languages correctly, the resource is Unicode-compliant. We will supply a font with the site to render all characters correctly. If you experience problems relating to fonts nevertheless, kindly let us know.


Navigation: Choose Publications to search publications directly, or Browse to get lists of authors, journals, subjects etc. and move from there. Thesaurus shows a subset of the keywords in their semantic hierarchy.

Searching publications

Main search bar: Any term(s) you enter will be searched through all fields, including the abstract. 

Advanced search: search on specific facets of the bibliography. List dropdowns show the number of publications that share a specific property. In Year of publication you may specify a range using a dash between two years, or at either side of a year to mark the beginning or end of a range, e.g., '2006-' will return all publications from 2006 onwards.

Operators: Show operators will reveal an operator that you can set for each field. The specific set of available operators varies between the fields. The default operator for most fields is Match all. If you enter two search terms in the same field, these are by default taken to be combined with the operator AND:

title: term1 term2 = title: term1 AND title: term2

It is possible to use the textual operators AND, OR, and NOT in the main search bar (but not together). This will create a combined search of each of the terms between the operators, in which case terms will not be split by spaces as in the example above. e.g.: 

The pipe operator is available in all search fields and is synonymous to OR, but will combine search terms in the same field. e.g.

will search for 'machine translation' and 'benjamins OR de gruyter' effectively producing nested operators. Please note that the same results are returned when one uses the Advanced search fields as follows:

Operator NOT or a minus sign can be used to exclude a certain word; Operator NOT or a leading or trailing minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the rows that are returned (e.g. benjamins NOT "translation library" or benjamins -"translation library").

Wild cards : There are two possible wild cards, for use within a term or to the left or right.

The asterisk * stands for 0 or more characters:  lang*age will find langage and language. The asterisk needs to be appended to the word to be effective; leading asterisks are ignored.

Diacritics: A search for a name without diacritics will also find the name with diacritics; e.g. dabic will find Dabić.


You can browse through lists of Authors (and Editors), Journals, Book Series, Keywords, and Languages. The entries in these lists are hyperlinks and will give you all the relevant records. The search bar and the alphabet buttons on each of those pages enable one to subset records.


Short description: The results are always presented using the short presentation, unless the result consists of only one record, in which case the full presentation will be used automatically. The results are by default ordered by year of publication, starting with the most recent, and then by surname of the author/editor. You may change the sort order in the control in the top bar of the result list. The bottom bar contains controls to go to the next page of results and to change the number of records on a page. 

Full description: Click on the short presentation to see the full description of a record, including keywords, abstract, related reviews, translations and reprints. To go back to the short presentation you may use the back button in your browser.

From the full description, there are links to related entries, such as articles from a volume, reviews, translations and reprints. If available, the DOI will link to a digital source of the publication as maintained by its publisher. In addition, authors may have written additional notes on the subject of their publication, which will appear at the end of the record with a (Kudos-blue) left bar, e.g.

Clicking the link symbol  in the top bar will store a link to the current selection in your clipboard.

Clicking the clipboard symbol will send the current record (set) to your clipboard so you can take it elsewhere.

Please note that some functionality is only available to subscribers.