
Publication details [#154]

Garnier, Bruno. 2002. Anne Dacier: un esprit moderne au pays des anciens [Anne Dacier: a modern mind in the land of the old]. In Delisle, Jean. Portraits de traductrices [Portraits of women translators] (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. pp. 13–54.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


This paper tells the story of Anne Dacier, the first woman to whom the title of translator ever applied. She was very emblematic because she didn’t deliberately participate in the dispute between the ‘Anciens’ and the ‘Modernes’. But she unintentionally did participate in the dispute by the publication of her Iliade: in the preface of that translation, Anne Dacier tried to rehabilitate the Greek poet in the eyes of his contemporaries. Anne Dacier seems to take sides with the Anciens, against the spirit of her own age. On the other hand, she seems to be a rebellious spirit, as she belongs to the Enlightenment and the women philologists of the twentieth century.
Source : Based on abstract in book