
Publication details [#179]

Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


Clémence Royer, in honour of whom this article is written, was born in 1830, in a period in which higher education wasn’t accessible to women. Nonetheless, the image of this woman has an honoured place at the Sorbonne in Paris. Clémence Royer went to a catholic boarding school. Afterwards she went to Paris and lived there with her family (royalists). Clémence becomes a republican but doesn’t identify herself with the socialistic movement. After her fathers’ death, she goes to the 'Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers' and she learns to appreciate several subjects. She publishes various articles which are not seldom controversial. That’s the reason why she often writes under the pseudonym 'Opportune Fervent'. Besides articles, Clémence Royer also writes scientific works and participates in contests. Royer’s scientific career starts in 1858. [Based on abstract in book]
Source : Based on abstract in book