
Publication details [#18838]

Kenfel, Veljka Ruzicka and María Lourdes Lorenzo García, eds. 2008. Estudios críticos de traducción de literatura infantil y juvenil: análisis de las traducciones de obras inglesas y alemanas a las cuatro lenguas oficiales de España. Tomo 2 [Critical studies in the translation of children's literature: an analysis of the translation of English and German works into the four official languages in Spain. Volume 2]. Oviedo: Septem Ediciones. 346 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


This series attempts to assess the quality of the translation of English and German children's books into all official languages in Spain beginning in the 1970's. Each volume will attempt to analyze two works (one from the German and one from the English languages) with philological, literary and translational approaches, comparing translations and looking for their rationales.
Source : BITRA/ J. Franco

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