
Publication details [#20539]

Boéri, Julie and Carol Maier, eds. 2010. Translation/interpreting and social activism / Compromiso social y traducción/interpretación. Granada: ECOS. 399 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISBN-13: 978-84-613-1759-2 This volume contains articles in English and Spanish.


In a world marked by the lack of understanding and the resultant conflict prompted by a deceptive claim of unification on the part of neoliberal (or corporate-led) globalisation, the role of translators and interpreters is increasingly critical and sensitive. Consequently, there is an urgent need to rethink translation and interpretation in socio-, geo-politico, and ethical terms. Led by that need, ECOS organised the 1st International Forum on Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism in April 2007. Conceived in the same spirit of the Forum, Compromiso social y Traducción / Interpretación – Translation / Interpreting and Social Activism explores the relation between T/I and social activism in the context of daily practice, teaching, and research methodologies at a time when it is crucial that T/I be conceptualised and discussed in terms that are more critical, complex and engaged. The volume comprises the keynote address and selected papers presented at the Forum. Together, the essays provide insight and guidance about T/I at the cross-roads between activism and academia.
Source : Publisher information

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