
Publication details [#31870]

Huang, Xinyu and Xiaona Dong. 2019. “中国特色话语对外翻译标准化术语库”数据加工标准研制 [Development of data processing standards of the “Standardized Terminology Database of Discourses with Chinese Characteristics for Foreign Translation”]. Chinese Translators Journal (中国翻译) 40 (1) : 98–103.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The "Standardized Terminology Database of Chinese Discourses for Foreign Translation" is a national terminology translation resource library for the external dissemination of discourses with Chinese characteristics. The core function of this database is to provide relevant knowledge for foreign translations of discourse with Chinese characteristics. The practical principles and methods of terminology data work are clarified in the form of standard documents, aiming to make the terminology data processing more standardized and efficient. This article focuses on the data processing of the "standardized terminology database for foreign translation with Chinese characteristics", specifically describes the scientific basis and demand drivers for the development of this project, with a view to providing references for the standardization of data processing in this database and the construction of similar terminology databases in future.
Source : Based on abstract in journal