
Publication details [#32155]

Ni, Xiuhua (倪秀华). 2018. 阶级话语与翻译:以英译《暴风骤雨》为例(1949~1966) [Class Discourse and Translation: focusing on the English translation of Baofeng Zhouyu in the first seventeen years of the PRC]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 6 : 35–50. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
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As a foundational work of Chinese socialist realism, Baofeng Zhouyu is one of the most renowned novels translated in the People’s Republic of China in its first seventeen-year period (1949-1966), and its English translation The Hurricane gained popularity in the English world. The paper aims to explore the English version done by Xu Mengxiong and published in 1955 by the Foreign Languages Press, and to reveal how the political ideology conditioned the representation of class discourse in the translation work and its close relation to the construction of socialist China.
Source : Abstract in journal