
Publication details [#33751]

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Chapter in book
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Since Translation Studies as an academic discipline in its own right has emerged in the Greek-speaking world, sufficient time has passed for an attempt to take stock of the directions into which translation studies in Greece and Cyprus is developing. The main aim of this paper is to explore the epistemological profile of translation studies in Greece and Cyprus. The examination of the Greek context as a ‘peripheral’ one might offer interesting insights into the processes by which translation knowledge is distributed and diffused, but also into the ways new translation knowledge is positioned against the existing situation. In order to sketch the epistemological profile of translation studies in Greece (TS in Greece), a corpus-based approach was adopted to analyze two sets of data by using the classic framework by Holmes (1988[1972]) and Gile’s scientometric method (2000; 2006). The findings suggest that TS in Greece are, for the time being, mainly descriptively oriented and that the adoption of mainly western theoretical discourses has led to a reconsideration and re-interpretation not so much of the concepts and methodologies which were ‘imported’, but mainly of the very own local tradition.
Source : Based on publisher information