
Publication details [#3858]

[no author]. 2002. Translation and power. Amherst: University of Massachusetts. xxviii + 244 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


Twelve essays explore how issues of power figure in the process and products of translation. The contributors to this volume see translation as an activity that takes place not in an ideal neutral site but in real social and political situations, with parties who have vested interests in the production and reception of texts across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Translation is not simply a process of faithful reproduction but invariably involves deliberate acts of selection, construction, and omission. It is inextricably linked to issues of cultural dominance, assertion, and resistance - in short, to power. Although governments, churches, publishing firms, and other powerful institutions may influence the translation process, many translators have found ways to resist that influence and have used translation to introduce new ideas and modes of expression. Exploring the nexus of translation and power, the essays in this volume offer a wide variety of examples, across multiple languages and societies.
Source : Bitra

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