
Publication details [#4807]

Chesterman, Andrew, ed. 1989. Readings in translation theory. Helsinki: Oy Finn Lectura. 200 pp.


Readings in Translation Theory brings together a selection of representative contributions to translation theory, covering many of the major issues in the field. Some of the readings are already classics – e.g. those by Dryden, Benjamin, Levý, Jakobson, Nida. Some were originally published in German or French, and appear in English for the first time. Topics include the hermeneutic philosophy of translation, analyses of the translation process itself and the kind of decision-making it involves, the thorny concept of equivalence, translation evaluation, the relevance of text typology and text linguistics, machine translation, and the role of the translator as a communication expert in his or her own right. The book has been designed as an introduction to some of the main ideas in translation theory.
Source : Based on publisher information

Articles in this volume