
Publication details [#5473]

Bassnett, Susan and Harish Trivedi, eds. 1998. Post-colonial translation: theory and practice (Translation Studies). London: Routledge. xii + 201 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Source language
Edition info
Paperback ISBN: 0-415-14744-1


As English becomes an increasingly global language, more people become multilingual and translation becomes a crucial communal activity. The essays in this book explore new perspectives on translation in relation to post-colonial societies. Their topics include: links between centre and margins in intellectual transfer, shifts in translation practice from colonial to post-colonial societies, translation and power relations in Indian languages and Brazilian cannibalistic theories in literary transfer. The papers examine the relationships between power and language across cultural boundaries and reveal the role of translation in redefining the meanings of culture and ethnic identity.
Source : Based on Transst

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