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Publication details [#3027]

Bernardini, Silvia and Federico Zanettin, eds. 2000. I corpora nella didattica della traduzione: corpus use and learning to translate [Corpora in translation didactics: corpus use and learning to translate] (Biblioteca della Scuola Superiore di lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Forli 21). Bologna: CLUEB (Cooperativa Literaria Universitaria Editrice Bologna).
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Proceedings of the International Workshop, Bertinoro 14-15 November 1997.


The main aim of CULT 1997, whose proceedings are included in this book, was to promote a dialogue among all those involved with translation - researchers, translators, teachers and students - on a common issue: the building and using of corpora. Three contributions by leading figures act as an introduction and framework for the more specific papers presented at this seminar.
Source : BITRA / J. Franco

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