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Publication details [#27292]

Xu, Zhang. 2015. 詮釋與再現:細讀黎翠珍等英譯《禪宗語錄一百則》 [Translator’s Interpretation and Representation: a Close Reading of Jane Lai’s English Translation of 100 Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts]. Translation Quarterly 76 : 28–59.


Modern translation studies have it that translation is a rewriting of an original text. All rewritings, whatever their intention, reflect a certain ideology and a poetics and as such manipulate literature in a given society in a given way. Is it true in the domain of religious and philosophical texts translation? The present research, by drawing upon the theories from modern translation studies, takes the Hong Kong bilingual translator C. C. Jane Lai and her translation of Zen Buddhist texts as a case study. It investigates how the translator made her own interpretative endeavors and represented the host cultural identity through transmitting certain religious texts. The major focus is on the strategies and norms adopted and the cultural implications encoded in the receptor language culture.
Source : Abstract in journal