How to build terminology science?

Loïc Depecker
Table of contents

This paper aims to illustrate how to carry out terminology work. Much effort has been made, especially through ISO, to build a theory of terminology and terminological methods which are commonly used in companies and organizations. In France and broadly in francophone countries, we have been had to clarify and establish many words, which now compose the language of description used to elucidate facts and problems encountered in terminology work. It was necessary to clarify such words as “concept”, “term”, “synonymy” and so on. In so doing, we had to return to the main texts and authors of Western philosophy and logic. For example, reading Descartes (1599–1650), Réaumur (1683–1757) and Buffon (1707–1788) enabled light to be shed on the fact that the main words and concepts used to describe terminology science of today were already laid down in the writings of scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries as they came to describe objects of nature.

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