Using frame semantics to build a bilingual lexical resource on legal terminology

Janine Pimentel
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The creation of multilingual terminological resources, in general, and the creation of multilingual lexical resources covering the specialized field of the law, in particular, raises the problem of linking potentially anisomorphic terminologies. Although terminological resources based on the description of the concept systems have long grappled with this problem, they often neglect the use of terms in context. However, it has been shown that equivalence has to be sought both at the systemic and at the textual level because the syntagmatic behaviour of terms plays a role in the choice of terminological equivalents (Pimentel 2012; Rogers 2008). Probably for these reasons, the multilingual resources that describe legal terminology have not always included all the equivalents that translators need to produce translations of legal texts. This is particularly true with regard to specialized lexical resources covering the specialized field of the law in language pairs, such as Portuguese-English-Portuguese.

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