Prosodic variation and audience response
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Barik, H. C
Fonagy, I
Fernald, Anne and Thomas Simon
Graddol, David
(1986) Discourse specific pitch behavior. In Johns-Lewis 1986a.Intonation in Discourse,
Jefferson, Gail
Johns-Lewis, Catherine M
(1986b) Prosodic Differentiation of discourse modes. In Johns-Lewis (1986), pp.199-219.
Labov, W
(1972) Language in the Inner City: Studies in Black English Vernacular. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. BoP
Levin, H., C.A. Schaffer and C. Snow
Sacks, Harvey, E. A. Schegloff and G. Jefferson
(1974) A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation. Language 50: 696-735.
Scherer, K. R