In the voice of, in the image of: Socially situated presentations of attractiveness
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Alter, Jonathan, Fineman, Howard, McKillop, Peter, and Starr, Mark
Ashmore, Richard and del Boca, Francis
(1986) Gender stereotypes. Paper presented at the 1986 "Sex and gender conference," held at Nags Head, North Carolina, May 1986.
Boltanski, L. and Thevenot, L
Bourdieu, Pierre
Eisenhart, Margaret and Holland, Dorothy
Favret-Saada, Jeanne
Fillmore, Charles
Hochschild, Arlie Russell
Holland, Dorothy and Eisenhart, Margaret
in press) On the absence of women's gangs in two Southern universities. In Women in the South, Holly Mathews ed. Athens University of Georgia Press
Holland, Dorothy and Skinner, Debra
Holland, Dorothy
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Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz
Lakoff, George
(1981) Introductory remarks. Paper presented at conference, Cognitive science, language, and imagery. May 1981, Berkeley, California.
Markus, Hazel and Paula Nurius
Quinn, Naomi
Quinn, Naomi and Holland, Dorothy
Sweetser, Eve
Volosinov, V. N
White, Geoffrey
in press) Histories of contact, narratives of self: Wartime encounters in Santa Isabel. In The Pacific theater: Island representations of World War II, G. White and L. Lindstrom eds. Honolulu University of Hawaii Press