Indirectness and interpretation in African American women’s discourse
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Abrahams, Roger and John Szwed
Bailey, Guy, and Natalie Maynor
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Irvine, Judith
Kochman, Thomas
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Labov, William and Wendell Harris
(1983) DeFacto segregation of black and white vernaculars. Paper presented at 12th Meeting of NWAVE.
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Mufwene, Salikoko
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Piersen, William
Reisman, Karl
Rickford, John
Schieffelin, Bambi B. and Elinor Ochs
Searle, John R
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Smitherman, Geneva
Volosinov, V.N
(1973) Marxism and the philosophy of language. Translated by Ladislav Mateika & I.R. Titunik. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. BoP