The discourse of news management
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Askew, Kelly, and Richard R. Wilk
Becker, Howard S
Bell, Allan
(1998) The discourse structure of news stories. In Allan Bell and Peter Garrett (eds.), Approaches to Media Discourse. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 64-104. BoP
Benson, R
(2006) News media as a "Journalistic field": What Bourdieu adds to new institutionalism, and vice versa. Political Communication 23: 187-202.
Clayman, Steven, and John Heritage
(2002) The News Interview: Journalists and Public Figures on the Air. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cotter, Colleen
forthcoming) Shaping the Language of News: The Practice and Process of Everyday Journalism.
Cottle, Simon
Couldry, Nick
Ericson, R.V., P.M. Baranek, and J.B.L. Chan
Fairclough, Norman
Galtung, J., and M. Ruge
(1973) Structuring and selecting the news. In S. Cohen and J. Young (eds.), The manufacture of news London: Constable.
Gandy, Oscar H
Gans, H.J
Ginsburg, Faye, Lila Abu-Lughod, and Brian Larkin
Gitlin, Todd
Hall, Stuart, C. Chritcher, T. Jefferson, J. Clarke, and B. Roberts
Hesmondhalgh, D
Jacobs, Geert
(1999) Preformulating the news. An analysis of the metapragmatics of press releases. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Jaworski, Adam, Richard Fitzgerald, and Debbie Morris
(2003) Certainty and speculation in news reporting of the future: The execution of Timothy McVeigh. Discourse Studies 5: 33-49.
Khalil, Esam N
(2006) Communicating affect in news stories: The case of the lead sentence. Text & Talk 26: 329–349. BoP 

Klinenberg, E
Lassen, Inger
(2006) Is the press release a genre? A study of form and content. Discourse Studies 8: 503- 530.
Lenaerts, Gilberte
Marchetti, Dominique, and Denis Ruellan
Pander Maat, Henk
Peterson, Mark Allen
Schudson, Michael
Shoemaker, Pamela J., Martin Eichholz, Eunyi Kim, and Brenda Wrigley
Slembrouck, S.
Sleurs, K., and G. Jacobs
(2005) Beyond preformulation: An ethnographic perspective on press releases. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 1251-1273.
Sleurs, K., G. Jacobs, and L. Van Waes
(2003) Constructing press releases, constructing quotations: A case study. Journal of Sociolinguistics 7: 192-212.
Ståhlberg, Per
Strobbe, Ilse, and G. Jacobs
Tuchman, Gaye
van Dijk, Teun A